Friday, April 6, 2012

Admiting and accepting

You ever had one of those moments when you wanted to really punch someone in the face? Yea that moment. The person is talking to you and you have the sudden urge to just punch them. Or your reading something someone you know wrote and you wish you could virtual bitch slap them from 2000 miles away.

That is how I felt this week. I am not one for Drama anymore. I hate Drama. I feel like I have been time warped back to High school when Drama is involved.

I feel that now that I am all grown up, can get dressed all by myself and all, that I am entitled to my own opinion. My dad always said that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. And I have come to realize that.

Now, ones that know me, know that I am a BIG republican. I do not like nor did I vote for Mr President Obama. But that in no way means that I hate anyone who is not republican or that I put them down for their opinions. I see them post things all the time about their opinions and beliefs but I just keep on going. Why would I begin to expect the same courtesy? Why? Because we are friends. I have always been taught that friendship was more important than petty differences. Apparently not in this world.

I have also never understood why people think that every thing you post is about them. You see a picture or a statement that you like or think is funny, and u repost, and your automatically talking about them or putting them down. Really?!

I mean get over yourself. I do NOT live to please you. And NO not everything is about you. The world does not stop turning if you are upset. So stop acting like it does. I also dont understand why they want to act surprised when you say something to them. Its like DUH, you know me. What made you think I was gonna change real quick bc it was you I was talking to. That is not who I am.

OK. So now that I think I am done ranting and raving. And dare I say VENTING on MY blog. Then I guess its time that I got down off my High horse and admit I'm an asshole!

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