Thursday, February 24, 2011

What's The Lyrics??

Artist: Pickler Kellie
Best Days of Your Life
Kellie Pickler

Cause I'll be there
In the back of your mind
From the day we met
Til you were making me cry
And it's just too bad
You've already had the best days
The best days of your life

Aint it a shame?
A shame that everytime you hear my name
Brought up in a casual conversation
You can't think straight
And aint it sad?
You can forget about what we had
Take a look at her and do you like what you see?
Or do you wish it was me

I'll be there
In the back of your mind
From the day we met
To the very last night
And it's just too bad
You've already had the best days
The best days of you life

And does she know?
Know about the times you used to hold me
Wrapped me in your arms and how you told me
I'd be the only one
I heard about
Yeah, someone told me once
When you were out
She went a little crazy
Ran her mouth about me
Aint jealousy funny?

I'll be there
In the back of your mind
From the day we met
To the very last night
And it's just too bad
You've already had the best days
The best days of you life
With me was a fairytale love
I was head-over-heels til you threw away "us"
And it's just too bad you've
Already had the best days
The best days of your life

I heard you're gonna get married
Have a nice little family
Live out my dreams with someone new
But I've been told that a cheater
Is always a cheater
I've got my pride
And she's got you

I'll be there
In the back of your mind
From the day we met
To the very last night
And it's just too bad
You've already had the best days
The best days of you life

Of your life
Oh, oh, yeah
You're gonna think of me
You're gonna think of me in your life
Oh, oh, yeah
It's a shame
It's a shame
It's a shame...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Catch up

Ok so I got some real catching up tp do for this last week. I had two sick kids and was sick myself. So been a liitle blah. But be looking for me to catch up tonight. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My "Really?!" Moment of the Day

OK so I havent done this in a few weeks, altho I have had MANY REALLY?! moments each day. But today tops the cake. So I am sitting here enjoying my Brunch with Mike. Alex is up in her room watching tv and cleaning her room. And Kaity is in the playroom playing with polly pockets. Well all of a sudden Kaity runs in here all scared and hollars "I have a SHOE in my nose!" I kind was like WHAT?! And she says "Mom I have a SHOE in my nose!"


So I look up her nose and sure enough, there is a little shoe far back in her nose! I am like good god let me get this out. So Mike grabs the tweezers and I hold her head back while he reaches in to get it. Now it takes a few tries bc its in there pretty good. Finally he grabs it and pulls it out. LOL Its a little white high heel.


Thursday, February 17, 2011


 So I was really missing my mamaw this morning and saw this and decided to post it.

God looked around his Garden
and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon his earth
and saw your loving face.

He put his arms around you
and lifted you to rest.
His Garden must be beautiful,
he always takes the best.

He knew that you were suffering,
he knew you were in pain.
And knew that you would never get
well on Earth again.

He saw your path was difficult,
he closed your tired eyes.
He whispered to you "Peace be Thine",
and gave you wings to fly.

When we saw you sleeping
so calm and free of pain.
We would not wish you back
to Earth to suffer once again.

You've left us precious memories,
your love will be our guide.
You live on through your children,
you're always by our side.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
on the day God called you home.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Project 365 - Day 45

Day 45

My beautiful flowers that my wonderful husband bought me for Valentine's Day. I love Hershey Kisses. So it came with not only the candy but the vase is a Hershey Kiss candy bowl as well. So sweet!! I really Love it! I love you Honey!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Today marks the 7th Valentine's Day together as husband and wife. And we are still as happy today as we were 7 years ago. We sometimes have our silly fights but we always make up. Thank you for being my rock and making me the happiest woman alive.

I love you Michael Christan Yokeley.
More than all the potato salad in the whole universe and far, far beyond.

Project 365 - Day 44

Day 44

 This is my husband playing with our son. He has a little baby sock monkey that he just absolutely loves. And Mike was making faces and letting him reach for the monkey. And Kevin was just loving it. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sing Along Sunday

Okay so normally I do Syncsta Sunday but I am running out of videos. They had a slew gob of them back in the day but someone deleted their site and in turn deleted their videos. They are slowly getting them back but its taking time. So until they get some more posted I am going to do something different. :) Sing Along Sunday. Each Sunday I will post a song that you cant help but Sing Along to. Even if its a really old song. LOL So have fun and enjoy. And remember I LOVE comments.

Project 365 - Day 43

Day 43

Today was a fun day. We got to go and meet Gary Sinise from The Lt Dan Band and a Medal of Honor Recepient. He was really nice and loved all the kids. Kaity even drew him a picture. :)

Project 365 - Day 40 - 42

Day 40
 Today my parents left to go back home to North Carolina. I know they were not ready to leave the grandkids but had to. I took this one of all the kids with Grannie and Papaw. :)
Day 41
Kevin enjoying his time in his bouncy chair. He loves it. He loves to sit up and has been trying to stand up. Such a big boy. All grins.

Day 42

A random flower in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Top 25 Famous Redheads : Week 3

Redheads 11 – 15

11. Cleopatra (69BC – 30BC) – Female Egyptian ruler who formed political liaisons and romantic relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. After being defeated by Augustus, she famously committed suicide by allowing herself to be bitten by an asp.

12. Oliver Cromwell (1599 – 1658) – Here’s a touchy one. He’s known as either an English military and political genius, or the scourge of Ireland. He helped create the English Commonwealth in 1649 after the execution of Charles I and then mounted a brutal campaign to subdue the Irish the next year. He died of natural causes in 1658 and was then exhumed and posthumously executed in 1661. [Pictured above]

13. Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886) – American poet known for her reclusive behavior as well as her quietly prolific poetry. Although she had some of her writings published during her lifetime, it was not until after she died that the bulk of her massive output was finally made available to the public by her family.

14. Willie Nelson (b. 1933) – Texas native Willie Nelson began his career as a country singer/songwriter trying to break into the standardized world of Nashville country and western, and he wrote several hits for other artists including Patsy Cline’s immortal Crazy. However, after being unable to break into the Nashville inner circle for himself, Nelson returned to his native Texas and helped create the outlaw country movement with fellow Texan Waylon Jennings in the 1970’s.

15. Antonio Vivaldi (1678 – 1741) – Vivaldi was an Italian composer of the late Baroque era. Although he was originally trained for the priesthood, he is probably best known for his brilliant concerti (and concerti grosso) including The Four Seasons.

Project 365 - Day 39

Day 39
Today I baby sat Paige so that her parents could take the oldest to the dr. Her and Kaity had a blast. Here they are playing but still had time to cheese for me. :)

Project 365 - Day 35 - 38

Day 35

So today I took my father to the USS Arizona Memorial. Its an amazing sight to see. So surreal. In this picture you can see part of the ship sticking out of the water. There is still oil leaking from the ship as well. You look down and can see the whole ship under you. Little fish are swimming all around. Its really beautiful and hard to think about, that it also is a tomb for those who were trapped all those many years ago. 

Day 36

This picture is a little on the blurry side. Not sure why. I baby sat today and this the whole crew, minus Kaylee and Alex taking their nap. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. 

Day 37

Today we climbed Diamond Head Crater. It was a hell of a climb but so worth it. This is a picture of the set of 99 stairs we had to climb to get to the top. And yes it does go straight up. I could FEEL THE BURN!

Day 38

Today we took dad and mom over to KBay to the Marine Base. Then drove back home taking the Kamehameha Hwy around the North Shore. It had been rainy and stormy for two days and the waves were freakin AWESOME! This is at Shark's Cove. The waves were so tall and would crash into the rocks and splash up. It was beautiful!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Project 365 - Day 34

Day 34
So today I decided to put Kevin in his Johnny Jump Up that his Grannie bought him while I was doing laundry. Cause he hates it if he cant see me. I don't have to hold him but he does have to be able to see me. So I had to stick his animals in there with me cause he is still little and was falling from side to side. He decides to lay over on Mr Monkey and fall asleep. So cute.

Project 365 - Day 33

Day 33

 This is the flowers in front of my porch in the front. Got a real good picture of it. Everything is starting to bloom again. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Soldier's Wife and The Army Wife's Prayer

A Soldier's Wife
I hate to watch
Each time you leave
And I hide from you
How much I grieve

I know it’s your duty
And you will go
But once you are gone
I will miss you so

I know you’ll come home
As soon as you can
But right now you’ll deploy
Like an honorable man

So I’ll keep things together
Till you can come back
But, this is where you belong
Not some desert in Iraq

Yet, I do understand
Why you risk you’re life
For that’s a Soldier’s job
And I’m a Soldier’s wife.

By Darla Foster


The Army Wife's Prayer
Dear Lord,

-Give me the greatness of heart to see, the difference between duty and his love for me.
-Give me understanding that I may know, when duty calls him he must go.
-Give me a task to do each day, to fill the time when he's away.
-And Lord, when he's in a foreign land, keep him safe in your loving hand.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

10 Things Women Do Better Than Men

I am amazed at the number of studies that have found women better than men in various skills. Here is a list of 10 skills where women seem to be doing better than men.

Women drive better than men.

Well this reverses a social myth – that women are bad drivers. Carnegie Mellon University researchers found after analyzing a lot of traffic data in 2007 that men are 77% more likely to die in a car accident than women, keeping the miles driven constant. So next time when your husband asks you to hand over the car keys, just give him this article.

Women remember appearances better than men.

Some would say, “Why not? Don’t women pay all their attention to appearances?” Well, say what you may, but only a loser complains about somebody for being better than him! Terrence Horgan, research fellow in psychology at Ohio State University, and her co-researchers found in a study that women are more accurate in describing appearances after seeing people once. The study was published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Women cooperate better than men.

We can see this everywhere, but still if you want a citation, here it is. A study by Rolf Kuemmerli and other researchers at Edinburgh and Lausanne universities indicated that women cooperate better than men. In the research, based on games played by 100 Swiss students, women cooperated with others almost twice as much as men did.

Women eat better than men.

This is probably not so obvious, for rarely do we notice gender differences in eating habits. A survey involving 14000 Americans, conducted by University of Minnesota, revealed that men are more likely to eat frozen pizza and meat, whereas women are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables.

Women perform better than men in timed tests.

So if time is precious, women are better at preserving it than men. A study by Vanderbilt University researchers in 2006 found that women score better in timed intelligence tests than men. The study, published in the May-June issue of the journal Intelligence, didn’t find much difference in un-timed tests, which meant women had a quicker mind. 

Women perceive their relationships better than men.

Talk about relationships and most men will frown. Now you know why – they know so little about their relationships! A Hebrew University of Jerusalem study, after surveying 97 couples in the United States, found that women are more perceptive than men in describing their relationships. The study , published in ScienceDaily, reported that women were much more accurate in describing the perception of their partners than men.

Women communicate better than men.

This is now scientifically proven and acknowledged. Louann Brizendine, neuro-psychiatrist at the University of California at San Francisco, found in a study that women can process 20000 words a day compared to men’s 7000 words (Louann Brizendine,The Female Brain, Morgan Road Books). This difference, as per Brizendine’sstudy, is more biological than social, which starts as early as the fetal stage.

Women learn better than men.

That is why girls get better grades in school on an average than boys in many parts of the world. Dr Simone Kruger of Edge Hill University, UK,found in her research based on remote learners that women learners were more successful in sharing ideas and experiences with each other, and hence learn t more efficiently than men.

Women invest better than men.

You don’t believe it, do you? We all know fewer women invest in stocks than men do, but the few women who invest in shares do better than their male counterparts. A study by the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) for the University of California found that women earn on an average 1.4% more than men in their share portfolios.

Women cope with stress better than men.

A study at the University of California, Los Angeles, published in the July 2000 issue of Psychological Review, found some biological and behavioral differences in the ways men and women cope with stress. It found that women tend to seek contact with others and social support when they are under stress, which is a psychologically much better way of coping with stress than the “fight-or-flight” approach of men.

Of course, there are other studies which indicate men are better than women in various skills. The point I want to make is not that women are better than men in everything, but that men should stop underestimating women after being proven wrong time and again.

Project 365 - Day 32

Day 32

 This is my daddy. Him and my mother came to Hawaii to celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary. Well today they took Kaity to the Aquarium bc she wanted to go so bad. Let me tell you , BIG waste. Its so small. You would think with it being on a tropical island and all the fish in the surrounding ocean that it would be huge. NOT! Anyway. Afterwords we had lunch and then dad wanted to walk over to the zoo and take some pictures. So I went with him so that he would not be alone. And the two little ones stayed with my mom in the hotel room. Mom said they both watched tv. Sponge bob.

Project 365 - Day 31

Day 31

 So we decided to take the girls out to eat at Anna Millers and Kaity accidentally stuck her fork on the side of her mouth. She had a booboo. So she put a bandaide there and told daddy to look. LOL He went to take her picture and she stuck her tongue out. It was really funny. She also tried ketchup for the first time and liked it. :)