Monday, January 31, 2011

Project 365 - Day 30

Day 30

 My Hubby coming back from his day at the Pro Bowl. :) He said he had a BLAST! I am so glad. He really wanted to do this. But said he was NOT doing the detail next year. LOL

Top 25 Famous Redheads : Week 2

Redheads 6 – 10
L-Ron-Hubbard 4

6. Geri Halliwell (b. 1972) – Otherwise known as Ginger Spice, she is the most musically successful of all the former members of the Spice Girls, releasing three acclaimed solo albums and participating in the Spice Girls Reunion Tour of 2007.

7. L. Ron Hubbard (1911 – 1986) – Science fiction writer and founder of the Church of Scientology. An exceptional con artist who hooked up with Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley after WWII, Hubbard switched from writing science fiction to publishing his definitive work, Dianetics, which would eventually lead directly to the creation of Scientology. [Pictured above]

8. Bernadette Peters (b. 1948) – American actress, singer, and Broadway star, probably best known for her role as Marie in Steve Martin’s 1979 film The Jerk, and as Annie Oakley in the 1999 Broadway revival of Annie Get Your Gun.

9. Napoleon Bonaparte (1761 – 1829) – French military and political figure who had a significant hand in the French Revolution, then turned around and declared himself Emperor of France in 1804. Napoleon was despised by both Beethoven, who originally dedicated his Third Symphony in Eb Major (Eroica) to Napoleon and then changed his mind, and Tchaikovsky, who depicted the French defeat in Moscow with the 1812 Overture. He was exiled twice and eventually died on the island of St. Helena.

10. Lizzie Borden (1860 – 1927) – Famous accused American hatchet murderess of her father and step-mother in Massachusetts in 1892. She was tried and acquitted of the murders although public scorn punished her for the rest of her life. She remains immortalized in American folklore with an infamous jump-rope rhyme about the murders, as well as a humorous folk song.

Syncsta Sunday

Fake Righteous Groupies

The FRG is a great organization if it isn't corrupted in your husband's unit. Every FRG I have experienced,  were horrible. I wouldn't wish them on anyone. If the FRG isn't supportive in your area, leave them alone. It will only get worse. The problem I have found with the FRG are that most wives pull rank. I had one First Sergeant's wife that tried to pull rank on me, and it wasn't pretty. She tried to claim that SHE had a "commander". You don't have a commander unless you are in the military. You are not apart of the military except for being a dependent. I thought she was going to hit me after I said that. She was enraged. See, there is a good example of how childish an army wife can be.

Since that incident, I realized that the FRG shouldn't be by rank. She was an FRG leader and didn't have the maturity to handle it. It should be by leadership skills. That is how they promote in the military. So, why not the FRG. So that is why I call the Family Readiness Group the Fake Righteous Groupies. It is a clique club that is absolutely preposterous and far from what it should be.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bavarian Donuts

 I saw this post on another Army Wife's blog and so totally agree with her. I laughed till I cried at the reference she gave. But she is so right and thought I would share this with all of you guys. Enjoy

Now for the wives that are new to this.....don't be influenced by these shit filled wives. These wives are like Bavarian donuts. They look sweet on the outside, but instead of the sweet cream in the have shit. Oh, and don't worry, their sweet demeanor will vanish quickly. You will notice their faults fast. They are full of bullshit.No matter what your husband's rank is, you should love him for who he is. Not pushing him to be better so you can rub it in the neighbor's faces. Yes, he has a job like no other. But, it promotes like any other job. So promotion shouldn't even be an issue in your relationship with your spouse. Nor should awards given to your husband. Your husband received them, not you.

In future reference of all army wives reading this, don't ask another wife what her husband's rank is when you first meet her. Who needs to know unless it is a question that is military related. Secondly, don't think you are more important because of your husband's rank. You didn't earn it, so don't boast about it. Thirdly, don't look down on other wives because their husband's rank is lower than your husband's. That is just childish! Get your own life! If you are a mother, you should be proud of that. And, talking about it. If you are a wife that is going to college, talk about that. Not what your husband's rank is or what job he is in. Seriously, there are better things to do than boast about your husband's achievements because you think that makes you important. It doesn't. Face the facts and get over it.

Project 365 - Day 29

Day 29

 Today at TAPS the lady sitting next to me made some things with pipe cleaners. A halo and a pair of glasses. She put them on Kevin and this is the result. LOL So funny! Everyone got a kick out of it.

Project 365 - Day 28

Day 28

 My hubby's Pro Bowl hat. He is so excited. And I am so proud of him. :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

My "Really?!" Moment of the Day

OK, so I thought I would make a Really?! moment of the day post bc EVERYONE says I say it WAY too much. LOL It may be true. But there is SOOOOOOO many moments that need that word inserted there. So each day I will try and post a Really?! moment from my day. With that said here is my first entry.

So this morning I went on my front porch to see if the newspaper was out there. We get the Star Adviser on Fri, Sat, and Sun every week. And Alex was told yesterday at the Play 60 event that she would be in the paper. Now I am not sure which paper that is. Could be the weekly Army paper put out here for all I know. ANYWAY. I look over on the little table on my front porch and see my husbands Dip can sitting there. Upon noticing the can I also see a Gecko. Yes a Gecko. Now this Gecko sees me too. Cause the damn thing looked right at me. He was about as long as the length of a coke can tail and all. Would have been longer but his tail looked as if it had been cut off at some point in his life, healed, and was growing back. ANYWAY. I go to reach for the can to throw it away and this gecko proceeds to JUMP into my flower that is on my table. 


I did not even know that they could jump! This poses a big problem for me. I am not even gonna begin to explain what kind of convulsions I will go into if one of those little geckos decides to jump onto any part of my body. It was bad enough that we had a baby one the size of your thumb in our home for a week and couldn't find it. I was always watching where I stepped. When we did finally find it, it was squished under the leg of Kaitlyn's rocking chair.

In the words of Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka:

It was really gross.  So one jumping on me would be a problem. Ok, so that is my Really?! moment of the day. Stay tuned to more Really?! moments comming to this blog.

Children Using Rank

Ok so I know its not Monday yet but I found this on a fellow Army Wife's blog and had to share it. What she speaks about in this blog happens more often then you would think. Its really upsetting that parents act this way and in turn their kids.

I find it really sad when children compare their parents' rank. "My daddy's an O-3, what is yours?" I have come across this more than I can count, and I correct it everytime I hear it. It doesn't matter what rank your parent is; what matters is that they are serving their country. I will give you the most disturbing example I had to deal with:

I was taking my friend's daughter to the park, and there were other kids there. It was on a military facility so of course these kids are military brats. A boy was playing with her and everything seemed fine for awhile. He was the same age as her, nine years old, so they seemed to be getting along. Then, the conversation suddenly changed.

"What rank is your daddy?" asked the boy.
"Mine is a Staff Sergeant, a E-6, he is better than YOUR daddy."
That's when I started to walk up to them. She started to get upset.
"What does your daddy do?" continued the boy.
"He's a medic. He helps people."
"Well, my daddy is infantry. They are the best, better than medics. Medics get killed."
Her dad just deployed two weeks prior to that. That is when she started to cry.

I explained to him that it doesn't matter what rank your daddy is. Everyone's parents who serve are great for serving their country. I also explained how every job is needed in the military and no job is greater. That we all work hand in hand. I asked the boy where he heard all this from. He said from his mom because his dad was deployed. I had a talk to his mother later and she didn't seem to be listening.

That is just one example of numerous others I have come across, and it is the worst. I feel like a ticking time bomb when I come across these mothers who teach their kids to be as snooty as them about rank and MOS. Children are innocent and learn from their parents. It isn't right to teach your child that they are better than anyone because of a measly rank or job. It is very simple to teach your child what to be proud of. Be proud your parent(s) serves for this great nation and makes great sacrifices. Be proud your parent(s) volunteer(s) for this. Be proud you are an American.

Pretty simple huh? KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid. Or, you are going to look like a village idiot rubbing it in other people's faces and influencing your kids to do the same. Kids listen to their parents. Kids imitate their parents. Kids pay attention. Be more aware what you are doing. If you can't figure that out, or not responsible enough to be a mature woman and a mature military wife...don't reproduce. Take some pills or put on a chastity belt. It is not fair to kids to have parents who act less mature than them. It does happen in the civilian side of life. But, on post is it ruthless. And, the kids become imitations of their parents. Especially the one they are with for months at a time continuously over the years because their other parent is gone. Your kids are going through enough as it, don't add on to it because of your insecurity. SUPPOSABLY military wives have a "tougher" job than their husbands. I'm not so sure with some wives. If you can't raise your kids with respect and a right amount of pride about their dad being a soldier without being snotty about it, then you don't qualify. By the way, before I get "bashed" for having supposably here because there are some wanna be English majors that caught that before on my older post, here's the definition my editor sent to me this morning when I asked about it:

That can be supposed or conjectured: a supposable outcome.
sup·posa·bly adv

"Supposably is a word in the American language that is often wrongly confused with the word 'supposedly'. Although the vast majority of people that use 'supposably' mistake it as a substitute for 'supposedly', it does actually have a valid use. The general rule is this: 'Supposably' can be used only when the meaning is 'capable of being supposed,' and then only in the U.S. Since this is a book only relates to American military wives, we won't change it unless it is published in the U.K."

So, there you go. Just in case anyone else would like to proofread my work. If you still question it, google it. You know, the site that you type what you need to find on the world wide web and it comes up with a neat list of links you can click on. Yeah, that's it. I don't mind pointing out a mistake, but calling me names is another story. Oh, let's just say like "nincompoop". If you have enough time to proofread everything I write and talk about it behind my back, take the time to shoot me an email. Grow a pair. Okay, look to the right of the screen. I have my email listed right there. Or, you can hit my email link on my profile. How simple is that? Two ways of getting a hold of me instead of being the frightened, immature women that are (obviously part of the guilty wives I point out in my book) who were so hurt that you couldn't tell me because of the embarrassment of you sitting in the corner of your shower crying with despair of your sad little lives. Or, at least thinking, while you sit in front of your computer with your mouth open in shock and possibly crying, how you ARE a Bavarian donut. THEN, this is what always happens with people who are too pussy to tell you anything to your face, thinking I wouldn't find it! You people make me laugh! Must be nice you have enough time on your hands to read what I write but not understand it because of your blinded life. Probably blinded by the nice shiny metals the soldiers wear huh? This doesn't apply to everyone, the guilty know who they are. Anyway, I had to put that out there because I knew another message would pop up about it.

January 27 - National Chocolate Cake Day

I know it is kind of late to be posting this... BUT I wanted to get it posted before today was actually over. Altho it IS over for the east coast, it is NOT however for us here in Hawaii. 

**Special Thanks to Tammy for making me aware of this day**

National Chocolate Cake Day

When : Always January 27th 

Chocolate Cake Day is a a chocolate lovers delight, and a day to eat cake. Why this a day to "bake your chocolate cake....and eat it, too!" 

On this day, a white or yellow cake will not do. Nor, will part chocolate, part white suffice. It must be chocolate, all chocolate. You can make milk chocolate, dark chocolate, fudge, or any other type of chocolate cake. 

There are three objectives of Chocolate Cake Day: To bake a chocolate cake. To decorate a chocolate cake. And, to eat a chocolate cake. Of course, if you are to busy to bake or decorate a cake, then just eating a chocolate cake will certainly do!  

Origin of Chocolate Cake Day:
Extensive research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. Perhaps, it was a baker. Perhaps, it was a food company. Most likely, it was a chocolate cake...eater! 

Syncsta Sunday - Make up - 01/23/11

Project 365 - Day 27

Day 27

Today we went to the Play 60 on Schofield Barracks. Some of the NFL players and Cheerleaders here for the Pro Bowl came to do activities with the kiddies. :) They all had a blast. They each had their picture taken with a Cheerleader. Kaity and Kevin both had theirs taken with Leesa from the Indianapolis Colts Cheerleaders. Not sure of the name of the girl Alex had hers taken with nor who she cheers for but when I find out, I will update. :)

Project 365 - Day 22 - 26

Day 22

  On Saturday I was walking down the sidewalk over by the Library here on AMR and I see this Redbird. His mate was there too. They were gathering things for a nest. I snapped this picture which was perfect. He was looking right at me. :)

Day 23
 On Sunday my wonderful husband fixed me a glass of Alcohol - free Peach "Wine". I love this stuff. Very peachy and absolutely no Alcohol.

Day 24

 On Monday I dressed Kevin for the day and seeing as I had no plans of going anywhere bc of my sinus infection I put him on some footie pjs to stay warm while in the house. I love these kind of pjs. The ones with the zipper all the way down instead of the snaps (altho the snaps make it easier for diaper changing) and the little elastic around the back of the ankle so that it stays in place. He loves his Tigger so this little outfit fit him perfect. 

Day 25
Today I was SO sick. Dizzy as all get out. I just could not shake it. Well after getting sick and taking a short nap I felt loads better. I was even up to playing with Kevin. He loves Kaity's little spinny thing my parents got her in DC. I think its all the colors lighting up. 

Day 26

Wednesday after taking some much needed meds I felt back to my old self. And my reward: a bag of Flamin Hot Cheetos. Yum - O. My favorite!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Update :)

Well as most of you know I have been really sick with the worst sinus infection ever. I do believe I may have developed some allergies since living here in beautiful Hawaii. I am feeling alot better now and ready to get the blog updated and going again. A few things have happened since Saturday. 

My husband got some really good news yesterday. He will be on the Military detail at the the Pro Bowl here in Honolulu. He will be in the group that introduces the players on stage along with the kickoff show to the Superbowl: The Goo Goo Dolls! He is absolutely beside himself. He has really been wanting to go but with tickets being so pricey it was not an option this year. But now he gets to not only go to the game but be a part of it and be on national TV. 

Also on another note, my daughter will be participating in the NFL Play 60 Cheer leading clinic held this afternoon on Schofield Barracks Army Post. She will be getting pointers and tips from some NFL cheerleaders. She is really excited about it! I will hopefully be getting some pictures while there. :) There will also be the NFL football players there doing a football clinic as well. :) So I am going camera ready.

This weekend, thurs & Fri, I will be attending the TAPS Survivor Seminar and Good Grief Camp. I will be gathered with more family survivors that have lost loved ones in the Operation Iraqi Freedom War. I have been told that there will be 8 siblings and 8 widows there that live on this island. I am kind of excited to meet the siblings here and be around others who have gone thru what I have. Everyone tries to have sympathy for me at my loss but I want to be able to talk to someone who understands and knows exactly what I am going thru. That understands that even tho we lost a brother and/or sister to this war we are usually set aside and not thought about. Its always the parents that are recognized. People don't seem to understand that we lost someone too. We lost our brothers and our sisters. And that is something you cant get back. That there are special bonds between brothers and sisters that parents sometimes don't get. And don't stop to think that we as siblings are hurting just as much. I really sympathize with parents who have lost children in this war bc I couldn't never imagine what they have gone thru losing a child. But they should also remember that all is not lost. They still have other children that need them and love them. And are still here. Alive and well.

Ok now that I have said my piece I am going to end this. But will be back tonight to do a little catch up before the weekend with Project 365 pictures and of course Syncsta Sunday. :) Have a great day everyone.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Top 25 Famous Redheads : Week 1

Gentlemen prefer blondes (or so the saying goes) but from time to time they prefer brunettes (take the 90s for example). In earlier history they preferred redheads. These days redheads get a bad wrap – being referred to as “gingers” and other unpleasant names. This list is their redemption! A focus entirely on redheads. So, here are the 25 most significant redheads in history. This list is in no particular order.

Redheads 1 – 5

Lucille Ball.Jpg

1. Carol Burnett (b. 1933) – American comedienne and actress most famous for her own variety show, The Carol Burnett Show (1967-1978). She also appeared on Mama’s Family in a few episodes reprising the role of Eunice that she created with co-star Vickie Lawrence, and as Jamie’s mother on Mad About You. In addition, she’s done several films and voice-overs. However, she will most likely be remembered most for her ear-tugging salute to her grandmother, her hilarious Tarzan call, and her parody of Gone with the Wind called Went with the Wind.

2. Lucille Ball (1911 – 1989) – American comedienne and actress most famous for the historic early sitcom she created with real-life husband Desi Arnaz called I Love Lucy (1951-1957). I Love Lucy was memorable for being the first American TV show to star a female and one of the first American TV shows to present a pregnant woman, although they weren’t allowed to say the word “pregnant.” The most watched episode in American TV history during that time was when Lucy gave birth to Little Ricky during the show’s second season. Many of the famous situations on the show are old vaudeville routines, and one of the most memorable is the Chocolate Factory. [Pictured above]

3. Margaret Sanger (1879 – 1966) – She ushered in the modern age of women’s liberation by fostering birth control. She successfully mobilized American women to take an active role in the decision to have or not have children. One of her organizations would eventually become Planned Parenthood, and she lived long enough to actively campaign for the legalization of the birth control pill.

4. Judas Iscariot (d. 29-33) – One of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ who betrayed Him and identified Christ for Roman soldiers with a kiss in the Garden of Gethsemane for 30 pieces of silver. According to most biblical accounts, Judas was later overcome with guilt and returned the silver and hanged himself, although some accounts have him living several years longer before dying.

5. Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme (b. 1948) – One of Charles Manson’s family members who had a passive role in the Tate-LaBianca murders in 1969 and an active role in the attempted assassination of US President Gerald Ford in 1975. For the latter, she received a life sentence which she is serving in Texas despite a two-day escape in 1987.

Project 365 - Day 21

Day 21

 So we had to run an errand tonight and when we were pulling up in the driveway, we saw this big fellow come into view as we raised the garage door. He was freakin huge! So I got a picture of him before my brave husband chased him off. The best part is, my husband scared him so bad that he pissed himself as he hopped away. Seriously! LOL

Friday, January 21, 2011

Project 365 - Day 20

Day 20

Ok, So Natasha, Tanya and I are headed up to HMR for a FRG meeting when we look over and see this guy on the side of the rode wearing a statue of liberty outfit playing air guitar with a Cash sign. It was freakin' HI-LAR-I-OUS! We start rolling and I am like hey this is like the best 365 picture for today. So since I am driving thru major traffic, I had Tanya snap a couple for me. And it was perfect bc he saw her and looked right at her. LOL It was great.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Project 365 - Day 19

Day 19
This is Kevin having 'tummy time'. He loves to suck his thumb but nine times out of ten it ends up being his whole fist instead. lol He is always so wide eyed and wondering whats going on around him. :) Very happy baby.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Project 365 - Day 17 and 18

Day 17

Hi. My name is Devin and I am a Coke - aholic. Yes. I admitted it. I am addicted to Coca - Cola. Its the one thing I cannot give up no matter how hard I try. My husband tells me its my crack. LOL Not quite but close. I know I am on this diet and should try to slow down the coke but I cant do it. One thing is I get these crazy migraines if I go too long with out caffeine. I HATE coffee so coke is my caffeine. My doctor has suggested me taking caffeine pills so that I could cut down on the coke and not get headaches. Perhaps maybe I should try that. Lord knows living here in Hawaii I need to be drinking more water. It is really easy to get dehidrated here. But for now I am sticking with it. I will update you guys if this changes. Who knows, I may get a wild hair up my rear end and just quit cold turkey. Lord help my husband and kids if I do. LOL
Day 18

This is my son Kevin sitting on my daughters bed. She was playing with him while I helped her go thru some of her clothes. Had my camera with me since now days I seem to take it every where with me. So she picked it up and started snapping pics. This is the pic she took. I love the way it turned out so I am using it as todays picture. I love how his face is the only thing in focus. Pretty darn cool if you ask me. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Military Monday: Military vs. Civilian Friends

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Tell you not to do something stupid when drunk
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will post 360 security so you dont get caught

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs
MILITARY FRIENDS: Call your parents Drunk as hell and tell them about the fat chick you tried to pick up

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Hope the night out drinking goes smoothly, and hope that no one is late for the ride home.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Know some wild shit will happen, and set up rally points and an E & E route.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will be sitting next to you saying, Damn...we fucked up...but hey, that shit was fun as fuck!"

MILITARY FRIENDS: Laugh at you and tell you to put some vagasil on your pussy.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Steal each other's stuff so often nobody remembers who bought it in the first place.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Are happy that someone picked up a one night stand and leave them alone.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will Low Crawl naked into the room with a camera and hope for the tag team.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will listen to your relatioship problems and hope it works out for you.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will listen to you over a long hard road march, and will help you straighten it out better than Dr. Phil.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Might try to hit on your girl behind your back.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Have spooned with you in the field more than your girl has, and would never even think about doing that.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home fuckers!"

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will try and talk to the bouncer when you get tossed out of the bar.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will man up and go after the bouncer for touching you on the way out.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will wish you had enough money to go out that night, and are sorry you couldn't come.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will share their last dollar with you, drag you along, and try to steal free drinks all night.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "Bitch, you better drink the rest of that shit, you know we don't waste.. That's alcohol abuse!!!"

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Want the money they loaned you back next week.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Can't begin to remember who owes who money after taking care of each other for so long.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will say "I can't handle Tequila anymore".
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will say "okay just one more" and then 2 minutes later "okay just one more".

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will knock them the fuck out!!

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will tell you "They'd take a bullet for you."
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will actually take a bullet for you.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will ignore this
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will repost this

Monday, January 17, 2011

Project 365 - Day 16

Day 16

Had a fun time tonite with the Jeromes'. We had hot dogs, beans, chips and dip, and Mississippi Mudd Cake. YUM! This is Mike, Alex, and Robbie dancing to the Michael Jackson: The Experience. We all had a great time. :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Syncsta Sunday - Extra

Ok so here is an extra video since I missed last Sunday. I love these guys! LOL

Syncsta Sunday

Ok so I missed last Sunday's Syncsta video. I know, I know. How dare I right. Well Here is this weeks video and its one of my all time favorite songs from a really great movie. Hope you all enjoy and it has you up dancing. :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Project 365 - Day 15

Day 15

So today we took a ride over to Ko Olina in Kapolei and we saw "The Black Pearl'. It would have been WAY better had we got to see Johnny Depp or better yet Orlando Bloom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OH! 
I'm still here.
Daydreaming again. 

Project 365 - Day 8-14

I have gotten way behind and this post is to catch me up. LOL My life has been pretty busy the last week. I started my new diet and exercise. Have lost 3 lbs! YAY me! Anyway. Here are the pics from this week. Hope you enjoy. :)

Day 8

Dai and Alex when Dai slept over. They were acting silly on the front porch. :)

Day 9
Kevin in one of his many Aunt onsies. The shirt says it all. BEARY CUTE.

Day 10
Kaitlyn decided to put every straw we had in her cup. LOL

Day 11

My sweet husband after falling asleep in the chair watching tv. So tired. The Army is a tough job.

Day 12

This is Riley. He is one of my very good friends' little boys. I kept him on Wednesday so she could go to the dr. Such a sweet boy. See his cute green mohawk. :)

Day 13
Using my new wide angle lense I got for Christmas from my dad in law, I caught this adorable picture. I love how it makes the whole picture look softer. Kevin loves this little Tigger. He talks to it and grabs it. And also tries to eat his face. lol

Day 14

My youngest Kaity being her normal little Diva self. She is such a trip sometimes. She says she is Stylin. Boy do I have my work cut out for me with this one. haha
Well there it is. The past 7 days in one post. I promise I wont get behind again unless something comes up. ;)

No Wonder I hate OBAMA!


CINDY WILLIAMS was appointed by Obama as an Assistant Director for NATIONAL SECURITY in the Congressional Budget Office.....

Military Pay

This is an Airman's response to Cindy Williams' editorial piece in the Washington Times about MILITARY PAY, it should be printed in all newspapers across America .

Ms. Cindy William  wrote a piece for the Washington Times denouncing the pay raise(s) coming service members' way this year citing that she stated a 13% wage
increase was more than they deserve.

A young airman from Hill AFB responds to her article below. He ought to get a bonus for this.

"Ms  Williams:
I  just had the pleasure of reading your column, "Our GI's earn enough" and I am a bit confused. Frankly, I'm wondering where this vaunted overpayment is going, because as far as I can tell, it disappears every month between DFAS (The Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and my bank account. Checking my latest earnings statement I see that I make $1,117.80 before taxes per month. After taxes, I take home $874.20.  When I run that through the calculator, I come up with  an annual salary of $13,413.60 before taxes, and $10,490.40 after.

I work in the Air Force Network Control Center where I am part of the team responsible for a 5,000 host computer network. I am involved with infrastructure segments, specifically with Cisco Systems equipment. A quick check under jobs for "Network Technicians" in the Washington , D.C. area reveals a position in my career field, requiring  three years’ experience in my job. Amazingly, this job does NOT pay $13,413.60 a year. No, this job is being offered at $70,000 to $80,000 per annum............ I'm sure you can draw the obvious conclusions.

Given the tenor of your column, I would assume that you NEVER had the pleasure of serving your country in her armed forces.
Before you take it upon yourself to once more castigate congressional and DOD leadership for attempting to get the families in the military's lowest pay brackets off of WIC and food stamps, I suggest that you join a group of deploying soldiers headed for AFGHANISTAN ; I leave the choice of service branch up to you. Whatever choice you make though, opt for the SIX month rotation: it will guarantee you the longest possible time away from your family and friends, thus giving you full "deployment experience."

As your group prepares to board the plane, make sure to note the spouses and children who are saying good-bye to their loved ones. Also take care to note that several families are still unsure of how they'll be able to make ends meet while the primary breadwinner is gone. Obviously they've been squandering the "vast" piles of
cash the government has been giving them.

Try to deploy over a major holiday; Christmas and Thanksgiving are perennial favorites. And when you're actually over there, sitting in a foxhole, shivering against the cold desert night, and the flight sergeant tells you that there aren't enough people on shift to relieve you for chow, remember this: trade whatever MRE's (meal-ready-to-eat) you manage to get for the tuna noodle casserole or cheese tortellini, and add Tabasco to everything. This gives some flavor.

Talk to your loved ones as often as you are permitted; it won't be nearly long enough or often enough, but take what you can get and be thankful for it. You may have picked up on the fact that I disagree with most of the points
you present in your open piece.

But, tomorrow from KABUL , I will defend to the death your right to say it.

You see, I am an American fighting man, a guarantor of your First Amendment right and every other right you cherish...On a daily basis, my brother and sister soldiers worldwide ensure that you and people like you can thumb your collective noses at us, all on  a salary that is nothing short of pitiful and under conditions that would make most people cringe. We hemorrhage our best and brightest into the private sector because we can't offer the stability and pay of civilian companies.

And you, Ms. Williams, have the gall
to say that we make more than we deserve?

A1C Michael Bragg,  Hill AFB AFNCC

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bad Devin

Ok so I have been really bad with my pictures. So later today I will be playing catch up to get back on track. Bare with me. And keep a look out for my big post later today. Its 2 am and I am ready for bed! Good night Blog world. :0 Yawn

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Project 365 - Day 6 and 7

Ok so I have been so busy that the last two days I totally forgot to post my pics! Shame on me. So today I will be posting two blogs. One for the past two days and one for today. So without further adu here are the pics. 

Day 6
Thursday Kaitlyn, Kevin, and I went on a nice long walk. I took lots of pics but this was by far my favorite. Hawaii is so beautiful. This was in the front yard of a house we passed.

Day 7

Took this yesterday when we went to the park. She slid down the slide and her hair was stuck out everywhere.  It looked so funny.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Project 365 - Day 5

Day 5

My son sleeps with his eyes half open sometimes. And in this picture that is exactly what he is doing. But we thought he looked like "The Thinker". LOL

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Project 365 - Day 4

Day 4

This is my daughter Alex and her friend Dai. They were playing Just Dance 2 on the Wii. They got tickled at each other and were laughing. Good times. LOL

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Project 365 - Day 3

Day 3

This is my sister Mandy. I was talking to her on skype and she was making our favorite bread. Banana Bread. Doesnt she look like a regular Julia Childs? :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Project 365 - Day 2

Day 2

I looked over at my husband and he was holding our son, Kevin, and Kevin was just a cooing and talking to him. So I snapped this photo. Turned out so cute.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011


There is a mountain just as you come thru the tunnel to Kaneohe Bay that has a staircase on the side of it. ( There is way more to the stair case than is pictured. )Why you ask? Well I asked this myself. The staircase is called "The Stairway to Heaven." For it is told by the natives that if you climb to the top you will be in Heaven. Apparently when you get to the top of the stairs you are above the clouds. Otherwise in Heaven. Really neat huh. Just thought you guys would love this little story I learned this weekend.  :)