Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Project 365 - Day 17 and 18

Day 17

Hi. My name is Devin and I am a Coke - aholic. Yes. I admitted it. I am addicted to Coca - Cola. Its the one thing I cannot give up no matter how hard I try. My husband tells me its my crack. LOL Not quite but close. I know I am on this diet and should try to slow down the coke but I cant do it. One thing is I get these crazy migraines if I go too long with out caffeine. I HATE coffee so coke is my caffeine. My doctor has suggested me taking caffeine pills so that I could cut down on the coke and not get headaches. Perhaps maybe I should try that. Lord knows living here in Hawaii I need to be drinking more water. It is really easy to get dehidrated here. But for now I am sticking with it. I will update you guys if this changes. Who knows, I may get a wild hair up my rear end and just quit cold turkey. Lord help my husband and kids if I do. LOL
Day 18

This is my son Kevin sitting on my daughters bed. She was playing with him while I helped her go thru some of her clothes. Had my camera with me since now days I seem to take it every where with me. So she picked it up and started snapping pics. This is the pic she took. I love the way it turned out so I am using it as todays picture. I love how his face is the only thing in focus. Pretty darn cool if you ask me. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog today! I'm with you on the caffeine addiction except mine is Pepsi Max.
