Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Something women, some men, and especially teenage girls thrive on. Consisting of any number of situations that have an easy solution, which would bring a fairly good outcome. But these people choose another shitty, bad way to deal with it. Consisting of backstabbing, blackmailing, gossiping, and betraying their friends. Unnecessary emotional turmoil that people love to cause and partake in. The most common causes of drama with women are love, sex, and relationships.  It drives men and what I like to call "normal" girls/women nuts. 


Some people thrive on it.

It is what makes their day to day life worth living.

But why is it that some people are this way?

Its their way of relating to the world in which they consistently overreact to or greatly exaggerate the importance of benign events. Typically "drama" is used by people who are chronically bored or those who seek attention. People who engage in "drama" will usually attempt to drag other people into their dramatic state, as a way of gaining attention or making their own lives more exciting. Basically, DRAMA is an association of a bunch of drunken retards who still think that they’re in high school.  Drama is something that people do when they have NO life, are insecure, jealous, or just plan bored. 

Common warning signs/ risk factors of drama or a dramatic person are:

1. Having one supposedly serious problem after another.

2. Constantly telling other people about one's problems.

3. Extreme emotionality or frequently shifting, intense emotions.

4. Claiming to have experienced negative events that are highly implausible.

5. A boring job or mundane life.

6. Making claims without sufficient evidence or a lack of detail about supposedly serious events.

7. A pattern of irrational behavior and reactions to everyday problems.

How do I tell if I am one who loves Drama, you ask.

Well its simple. To be considered a member of DRAMA, you must have at least one of these symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms, please seek professional help immediately. Or, if all else fails, try growing up.

Signs of DRAMA

 If you only listen to one side of a story, and then form your opinion, you might be a DRAMA member. 
 If you take sides when two of your friends are fighting, which only adds to the DRAMA, you might be a DRAMA member. 
 If you worry more about what other people are doing, instead of focusing on yourself, you might be a DRAMA member. 
If you continuously gossip, or talk negatively about total strangers in a social setting, or talk about someone behind their back (whether it be friend, foe, or stranger), you might be a DRAMA member. 

In conclusion, my opinion is that there would be way less drama in life if people would face their own problems without blaming others for their emotions, acts, or thoughts, that they cant handle in certain situations because of pride or insecurities. I for one can not stand drama but someone ALWAYS seems to bring it to my door, Facebook, email, phone, etc. My advice to women, is to CHILL OUT. Life is not all that serious. You're eventually gonna die. So stop being petty and stop being jealous. Just because your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, SO has a friend of the opposite sex does NOT mean that they are going to sleep with the person or cheat on you. Males and females CAN be JUST friends. Its possible. I know. I have a lot of male friends. And who can blame me. With the way females act these days.


"Oh, you're talking to my husband/boyfriend, you MUST want him." "How would your husband feel if he knew u were talking to another man."

To answer these questions:

1. NO. I do NOT want your man. I have one of my own thank you. One that is amazing and I have been married to for almost 12 years now. I am perfectly happy with my own man. Two or more would be way to much for me and completely wrong. 
2. My husband DOES know that I talk to other men/guys because I am FRIENDS with them. So if you come at him to try and make me look bad to make yourself look better, you will NOT like what you hear. He doesn't put up with that stuff and will tell you to fuck off and get a life.

Not everyone is out to get you in life. As soon as you realize this, the better off you will be. And the happier you will be as well. 

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